Thursday, April 28, 2016

Be Prepared Because Disasters Will Happen, Says 'Miracle' Pilot

The important thing is how people respond, 'Sully' tells Red Cross event attendees.
Paul Swiech, The Pantagraph, Bloomington, Ill. | April 22, 2016

Survivors of U.S. Airways Flight 1549 with155 passengers and crew, including Captain Chesley "Sully" Sullenberger III, who piloted safe water landing 5 years ago, join with their rescuers in a toast marking the anniversary of the event known as the "miracle on the Hudson," on Wednesday, Jan. 15, 2014 in New York. AP/Bebeto Mathews
(TNS) - Disasters happen. What matters is how people respond.
 That was one message of American Red Cross Serving Central Illinois' 23rd annual Evening of Stars on Thursday night.
Delivering that and other messages was featured speaker Capt. Chesley "Sully" Sullenberger, the pilot of the "Miracle on the Hudson."
 "What I hope people glean from his story is that disasters do happen but here was someone who was as prepared as he could be and he managed it," said Lyn Hruska, Red Cross regional chief development officer.
"No matter how hard we wish disasters away, they will happen," Hruska continued. "Captain Sullenberger used his education and training to save lives. So his message for us is to be as prepared as we can be and to use those skills when the time comes."
Sullenberger spoke at the Marriott Hotel and Conference Center in uptown Normal during the largest Evening of Stars ever. About 1,000 people attended the event, which is Red Cross in Central Illinois' largest fundraiser of the year.

Sunday, April 24, 2016

The Prince is Dead Long Live the Prince

"On April 21, 2016, news broke that Prince Rogers Nelson was found dead in his home in Minneapolis at age 57. He was found unresponsive in an elevator and was declared dead shortly after. Internet criminals are going to exploit this celebrity death in a number of ways, so be careful with anything related to Price's death: emails, attachments, any social media (especially Facebook), texts on your phone, anything. There will be a number of scams related to this, so Think Before You Click!


Also, with the recent earthquakes in Ecuador and Japan, there are charity scams sticking up their ugly heads. If you want to make donations, go to your favorite charity by opening your browser and type their link in the address bar. Do not click on any links in emails."
If you a looking for a free phishing security test for your company go here:
FYI: Emergency Action Planning does not receive monetary or material compensation from
Till next time
“Be Safe”

Saturday, April 16, 2016

Ring of Fire

This week’s Ring of Fire events are centered in Southern Japan. Multiple Earthquakes ranging from 4.7 to 7 on the Richter scale have rocked Japan over the last few days. Earthquakes arrive unannounced unlike winter storms and Hurricanes, the best way to mitigate the risks is to prepare prior to the event, not after.

The Ring of Fire is an area in the basin of the Pacific Ocean where a large number of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions occur. In a 40,000 km (25,000 mi) horseshoe shape, it is associated with a nearly continuous series of oceanic trenches, volcanic arcs, and volcanic belts and/or plate movements. It has 452 volcanoes (more than 75% of the world's active and dormant volcanoes). [1] The Ring of Fire is sometimes called the circum-Pacific belt.

About 90% [2] of the world's earthquakes and 81% [3] of the world's largest earthquakes occur along the Ring of Fire. The next most seismically active region (5–6% of earthquakes and 17% of the world's largest earthquakes) is the Alpide belt, which extends from Java to the northern Atlantic Ocean via the Himalayas and southern Europe.[4][5]

Japan has been historically known to proactively mitigate Earthquake damage within its borders through aggressive building codes and public education. Anyone who has watched the news has seen that the Japanese people react calmly during and after the initial shocks have hit their areas. This is because the Japanese People have been educated on the subject of Earthquake survival. This education begins in elementary school.

Reviewing a general High School curriculum shows that Disaster Mitigation Education is integrated throughout the curriculum. This integration of Disaster Mitigation Education within its culture develops a survival mindset.

Maybe this is why the current death toll and injuries are so low compared to the Loma Prieta earthquake of 1989

The Japanese culture of disaster mitigation is in deep contrast to the American antipathy of preparing for anything that does not provide immediate self-gratification. The United States has repeatedly proven to have a reaction centric after the disaster mindset when it comes to dealing with emergencies and disasters.

Reviewing our political culture shows us that our politicians are content providing “We the Sheeple” a constant cultural identity of the Victim needing to be rescued.

Stupidity is an elemental force for which no earthquake is a match.  - Karl Kraus

An interesting video I located while searching for material for this post relates to Los Angeles, CA and what the politicians are dreading there.  I recommend that you look at it;

Of note in this three minute short is that the Mayor, Eric Garcetti at no time mentions educating the public on surviving a major earthquake in the Los Angeles basin. Rightfully he is concerned with maintaining the infrastructure. Listen carefully, he already knows the city will be lost.

My thoughts and prayers go out to my family and loved ones living on the West Coast. I hope the recent events in Japan will spur many to pull their heads out of their back-sides and get their Emergency Action Plan in place before it will be needed. If you haven’t done so yet, go to; and get started now.

Till next time

“Be Safe”

Saturday, April 09, 2016

Alternate Risks

In general the Emergency Action Planning (EAP) workshop is intended to focus on threats posed by Natural, Manmade, Civil, and National Security events.

Throughout the course of the workshop we are identifying the risks involved with each subsection of our plan (Evacuation, Feeding, Gathering water, Shelter, etc.) finding ways to mitigate those risks, and reviewing those risks over time to determine if they need modifying.

This process will eventually develop within us a risk awareness capability that allows us to identify alternate risks that are not necessarily focused on Disaster/Emergency preparedness that need to be mitigated anyway.

Risk comes from not knowing what you're doing. - Warren Buffett

During my daily commutes to and from work, and pretty much anytime I’m driving, I listen to my IPod. I call it my Juke Box for the car. The material I usually listen to can be described as educational/self-development Podcasts.

A recent Podcast I listened too is titled Future Crimes: Cyber Crime and How to Protect Yourself. The guest speaker is Marc Goodman and the Podcast is titled Art of Charm hosted by AJ and Jordan Harbinger. I’ll preface this by saying that the Podcast originally started as a how too dating venue that over the years has morphed into a positive self-development venue listened to by men and women seeking workable life hacks. (My definition)

Being the self-proclaimed basic Emergency Action Planning subject matter expert (SME) I would be remiss for not passing along information that may be of value to you. I recommend that you give it a listen, it’s about an hour long. Has some very interesting and valuable information. FYI I am not affiliated with AOC and do not receive any monetary or material compensation from sharing their material. A Like on my Facebook page would be nice though.

Till next time
“Be Safe”

Tuesday, April 05, 2016

Active Shooter

Sunday I was asked by a female friend of mine if she should buy a gun (I have been asked this question several times before). I asked her why she thought she needed one, she mentioned her apprehension about the seemingly daily violence in America.

I told her that I’ll ask her a simple question that needs a simple answer. Based on her answer I would tell her if she should further consider the acquisition of a fire arm for personal protection.

Copyright: Daniel Kilburn 

Are you ready?

“Are you willing to draw a firearm at a moment’s notice and kill someone?”

I’ll ask that question again.

“Are you willing to draw a firearm at a moment’s notice and kill someone?”

"Owning a handgun doesn't make you armed any more than owning a guitar makes you a musician." – Jeff Cooper

If you are not, then you should not own a firearm for the purpose of self-defense, protecting your family and loved ones. Or to enter into the defense of a stranger.

This cannot be stressed enough. Individuals with years of training and direct combat experience miss the target. An eight hour firearms course, and a couple hundred rounds down range are not going to make you a Rambo.

So that bring us to the real question on her mind. What to do in the event of an Active Shooter scenario?

An Active Shooter scenario has three possible Courses of Action (CoA’s).   

1)         Evacuate If there is an accessible escape path, attempt to evacuate the premises. Be sure to:

• Have an escape route and plan in mind

• Evacuate regardless of whether others agree to follow

• Leave your belongings behind

• Help others escape, if possible

• Prevent individuals from entering an area where the active shooter may be• Keep your hands visible• Follow the instructions of any police officers

• Do not attempt to move wounded people

• Call 911 when you are safe


2)         Hide out

If evacuation is not possible, find a place to hide where the active shooter is less likely to find you.

Your hiding place should:

• Be out of the active shooter’s view

• Provide protection if shots are fired in your direction (i.e., an office with a closed and locked door)

• Not trap you or restrict your options for movement

To prevent an active shooter from entering your hiding place:

• Lock the door

Blockade the door with heavy furniture

If the active shooter is nearby:

• Lock the door• Silence your cell phone and/or pager

• Turn off any source of noise (i.e., radios, televisions)

• Hide behind large items (i.e., cabinets, desks)

• Remain quiet

If evacuation and hiding out are not possible:
• Remain calm
• Dial 911, if possible, to alert police to the active shooter’s location
• If you cannot speak, leave the line open and allow the dispatcher to listen         
3)         Take action against the active shooter
As a last resort, and only when your life is in imminent danger, attempt to disrupt and/or incapacitate the active shooter by:
• Acting as aggressively as possible against him/her
• Throwing items and improvising weapons
• Yelling
• Committing to your actions
(U.S. Department of Homeland Security, 2015)
This is not an all-inclusive list of actions, but it is a good start.
An Active Shooter Drill should be included into your Emergency Action Plan.
Resources are freely available through DHS and FEMA. The FEMA Independent Study Course;
IS-907: Active Shooter: What You Can Do is available here;
Take the course, you have nothing to loose.
Other resource material:
Till Next time
“Be Safe”