Thursday, February 25, 2016

Information Overload

I'm in Orlando, Florida this week. Am  attending a training seminar trying to learn how to present the Emergency Action Planning training material that I have developed in a way that will allow my Senior Drill Sergeant attitude to be accepted by the politically correct.

Having several conversations with individuals interested in Emergency Action Planning has brought up a recurring theme.

"How much information do I need to create a working Emergency Action Plan?"

How much information do you need? Just enough, really, good enough is good enough.

The high achievers I have been working with think they need to find every piece of information available... And then the decision will be made to formulate the PLAN. Unfortunately, by then it might be too late.

There is only so much information. Develop a plan "now" you can fine tune it later.

When you are creating your unique Emergency Action Plan start with the basics. My recommendation is the "Are You Ready" handbook freely available from FEMA.

I will preface this recommendation with the fact that this is a government website, and it is not intuitive.

Download the handbook and get started.
When you get to the point that you think you need more information, you have been digging and digging. Looking for the Golden Egg, Easy Button, Magic Mushroom. At this point you are probably procrastinating. Pull your head out, and implement the information you have. Time is a non renewable resource.
"Be Safe"

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