Hello Folks, Daniel here. I am re-starting this Blog with the intent of gathering and sharing information.
That information revolves around Emergency Action Planning, or how ready are you and your family to respond to an Emergency or Disaster.
The general consensus is that the vast majority of Americans
have not done nothing to ready themselves or their families for the emergencies
or disasters that will happen sometime in our lives.
The most current (2012) FEMA survey on the subject can be
found here:
And a most current (2014) Database of relevant surveys can be found here:
And a most current (2014) Database of relevant surveys can be found here:
Years ago (1989 Loma Prieta earthquake) I started actively searching for usable information on the subject of disaster planning and preparedness.
Having recently retired from the
US Army (2015), my current need for information is linked to a training program I have
been developing, and will soon release to the public.
This training program is intended to take you through the
process of actually completing a workable Emergency Action Plan for you, your
family and loved ones for the emergencies
or disasters that you have identified.2) If not. Why not?
3) Do you want to create one?
4) How much time are you willing to spend to accomplish it?
5) If you do have a plan. Do you feel that it is complete?
6) If not. What do you think is missing?
Now that you have thought of these questions, I look forward
to your input on the subject of Emergency Action Planning. Your feedback will help
me focus my training material to better serve the needs of those using it. And
ultimately will prevent the suffering and hardship for thousands of lives
somewhere, and sometime in our country.
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